Slack Activity

activity slack
резерв времени действия

Build a Slack Activity Dashboard Using Airbyte and Apache Superset This article will show how to use Airbyte - an open-source data integration platform - and Apache Superset - an open-source data exploration platform - in order to build a Slack activity dashboard showing: Total number of members of a Slack workspace. Yes, your employer is probably monitoring your Slack or email activity That emoji-filled rant you Slacked during the staff meeting could have been seen by your boss. Photo: Laura Johnston /Unsplash.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Смотреть что такое 'activity slack' в других словарях:

  • slack — ▪ I. slack slack 2 also slack off verb [intransitive] to make less of an effort than usual or be lazy in your work: • He was accused of slacking and taking too many holidays. [m0] ▪ II. slack slack 3 noun [uncoun … Financial and business terms

  • slack — I. /slæk / (say slak) adjective 1. not tense or taut; loose: slack rope. 2. indolent; negligent; remiss. 3. slow; sluggish. 4. lacking in activity; dull; not brisk: slack times for business. 5. sluggish, as the water, tide, or wind. 6. Colloquial … Australian-English dictionary

  • slack — slack1 slackingly, adv. slackly, adv. slackness, n. /slak/, adj. 1. not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope. 2. negligent; careless; remiss: slack proofreading. 3. slow, sluggish, or indolent: He is slack in answering letters … Universalium

  • slack — I [[t]slæk[/t]] adj. slack•er, slack•est, adv. n. v. adj. 1) not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope[/ex] 2) negligent; careless; remiss 3) slow, sluggish, or indolent: slack in answering letters[/ex] 4) not active or busy; dull; not … From formal English to slang

  • slack — slack1 [ slæk ] adjective 1. ) loose and not pulled tight: The fence consisted of two slack strands of barbed wire. The rope suddenly went slack. Her muscles felt slack. 2. ) not taking enough care to make sure something is done well: slack… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slack — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English slak, from Old English sleac; akin to Old High German slah slack, Latin laxus slack, loose, languēre to languish, Greek lagnos lustful and perhaps to Greek lēgein to stop Date: before 12th century 1. not… … New Collegiate Dictionary

  • slack — [[t]slæ̱k[/t]] slacker, slackest, slacks, slacking, slacked 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is slack is loose and not firmly stretched or tightly in position. The boy s jaw went slack. 2) ADJ GRADED A slack period is one in which there is not much… … English dictionary

  • slack — slack1 [slæk] adj [: Old English; Origin: sleac] 1.) hanging loosely, or not pulled tight ≠ ↑taut ▪ Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it. 2.) with less business activity than usual ▪ Business remained slack throughout the day. 3.) not… … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slack — 1 adjective 1 not taking enough care or making enough effort to do things right: Tollitt blundered with a slack header towards the goalkeeper. | The report criticized airport security as disgracefully slack . 2 with less business activity than… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • slack off — UK US slack off Phrasal Verb with slack({{}}/slæk/ verb ► if someone slacks off, they stop working hard or putting effort into something: »Companies just want to make sure their employees aren t slacking off. »He urged Washington not to slack off … Financial and business terms

  • slack time — float The difference between the amount of time an activity takes and the amount of time allocated to it in network modelling Activities that constitute the critical path in a project are those for which there is no slack time. Activities not on… … Big dictionary of business and management

For such a tiny bubble, it sure causes a major headache.

As more and more people find themselves stuck working from home for the foreseeable future, an ever-growing number of Slack users are now faced with the same problem: How to appear as 'active' when they're actually... not.

For the unaware, Slack is a messaging tool that many workplaces (and friend groups) use to communicate remotely. Within the service, next to your online handle, rests a little telltale bubble. Depending on whether or not you're currently using the service, Slack will either display a green bubble for active or an empty bubble for away.

As you might imagine, this is a helpful tool for bosses trying to keep tabs on their employees; it's also the enemy of workers who are just trying to live their lives and stop thinking about the coronavirus for even a goddamn second.

Which brings us to the issue at hand: Keeping those bubbles green. Slack says it 'automatically determines your availability based on how consistently you're interacting with the app on your device.'

More specifically, Slack has a host of conditions it uses to determine whether or not that bubble shows you as working. If you're using the mobile Slack app, the bubble is green only when the app is open — it switches off the moment you toggle away. If you use the Slack desktop app or access Slack via a browser, then after 30 minutes of inactivity the jig is up.


Importantly, if you're using the Slack desktop app that's 30 minutes of 'system inactivity.' Whereas, if you're using a browser to access Slack, it's 30 minutes of 'browser inactivity.' Remember that distinction, because it matters.

'Note,' cautions Slack in bold type, 'There is no way to set yourself as permanently active.'

Which, OK, maybe. But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to trick the system into thinking you are active. Take, for example, this ingenious individual who, it appears, hooked their wireless mouse up to a toy train.


— 赤祖父 (赤ソファ) (@akasofa) March 12, 2020

'We created a device that seems to always operate the mouse, because the environment in which the sleep or operation of the PC is remote to the administrator when working remotely,' reads the tweet translated (albeit poorly) by Twitter.

If a work-from-home employee had their desktop Slack app open — say, for example, to the Direct Message channel with Slackbot — then the above contraption should keep their Slack bubble green for up to 30 minutes after the train stops moving. That's because there is general system activity of the mouse moving around (even if not specific browser activity).

Slack Activity Log

But not all of us have toy trains sitting around ready to be repurposed. And that's OK because if you have a smartphone and an optical mouse, then you already have all you need to fool Slack and your (micro) manager.

'I think that if you put an optical mouse on the smartphone video, it will move irregularly,' reads the below tweet (again translated by Twitter). '(Lol) (Unverified)'


— 池袋スイーツ侍 (@ike_sweets_smr) March 14, 2020

And guess what reader... in my (admittedly limited) at-home test, the above hack actually worked. As long as your phone doesn't go to sleep (this is important, so keep it plugged in) and the video keeps playing, your optical mouse should move ever so slightly, tricking the desktop app version — not the browser version —of Slack into thinking you're still busy and not asleep in the next room.

For the test, I loaded up a random nature documentary on YouTube, turned my smartphone's brightness up to maximum, plugged the phone in, and placed my optical mouse directly on top of the screen. Then I set a 30-minute timer and walked away. Thirty-two minutes later, my editor confirmed my Slack status bubble was still green. (In a later test with a different video, the trick did not work. In other words, test this out first before you commit to your nap.)

SEE ALSO: 7 Slack privacy settings you should enable now

What makes this Slack hack even better is that it doesn't require installing a mouse-jiggling app, which could be a security risk.

Now, it's worth noting, that there's probably a much simpler way to do all of this. On an iPhone with the Slack app, you can set the phone's 'Auto-Lock' to never and then (with your phone plugged in) open the Slack app. This will likely work as well — remember, as long as 'Slack is open' on your mobile device, Slack says you'll be shown as active — although I didn't test it.


Importantly, your bosses may still suspect you're napping on the job when you don't respond to their repeated and frantic @yourname messages. But that's a small price to pay for the 45-minute nap you'll be too busy taking to care.

Slack Activity

UPDATE: July 1, 2020, 2:24 p.m. PDT: After months of (ahem) rigorous testing, I can confirm that setting your smartphone auto-lock to 'never' is a much simpler — and consistently successful — approach. Also, you can use this method on the go and still have your phone with you.


How To Calculate Slack

Here's what you do: In the Slack app, in a direct message to yourself, drop in a random GIF. Then, when you want to keep your Slack status active (after setting auto-lock, under 'Display & Brightness' on an iPhone, to 'never'), go into that DM with yourself and click on the GIF.

You now technically have the app open, and, because you're in a DM with yourself, the chances of your thigh accidentally DMing your boss have plummeted. Turn down the brightness on your screen to conserve battery life, slide that phone in your pocket, and be on your way.