Pantheon Terminus

  1. Pantheon Terminus
  2. Pantheon Terminus Install
  3. Pantheon Terminus Composer
  4. Doc Terminus
  5. Pantheon Terminus Install

Installs: 629 118

Dependents: 7

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Races of terminus Nearly a thousand years ago, the first of nine races were brought to Terminus, an ancient planet ruled by Rok’Nhilthamos, the Dragon King. Bound together by the mystery of their arrival, the races broke apart after the War of Gods threatened their very existence. Pantheon (Terminus) Terminus is Pantheon’s command line tool. It enables you to do almost everything in a terminal that you can do in the Dashboard, and much more. Terminus is pre-installed in the cli container. Now, we can get the connection info for the Pantheon site with terminus, and git clone it to our local system, so we can create an action file, which will be located in.github/workflows/deploy-to.

Stars: 265

  1. 1 Atlas of Terminus 2 Indexes 3 ZONE List 4 Continents 4.1 Kingsreach 4.1.1 Regions within Kingsreach 4.2 Reignfall 4.2.1 Regions within Reignfall 'The Age of Chaos has ended, the horrors of the Deicide Wars now fading memories in the minds of those who live on. The megalithic Sanctums still stand, dormant reminders of the great war. A tenuous peace now exists in this Frail Age as the races of.
  2. Terminus Build Tools Plugin Build Tools is a Terminus Plugin that contains a collection of commands useful for projects making use of an external Git provider and Continuous Integration (CI) along with Pantheon.

Watchers: 86

Forks: 176

Open Issues: 163


  • php: >=5.5.38
  • composer/semver: ^1.4
  • consolidation/comments: ^1.0.2
  • consolidation/filter-via-dot-access-data: ^1.0
  • consolidation/output-formatters: ^3.5
  • consolidation/robo: ^1.4.4
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2
  • psy/psysh: ^0.8
  • symfony/console: ^3.3
  • symfony/finder: ~2.7|^3.2
  • symfony/process: ~2.7|^3.2
  • symfony/yaml: ~2.1|^3.2

Requires (Dev)

  • behat/behat: ^3.2.2
  • php-coveralls/php-coveralls: ^2.1
  • php-vcr/php-vcr: ^1.4
  • phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8.36
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.5







This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-04-23 14:36:47 UTC



Terminus is Pantheon's Command Line Interface (CLI), providing at least equivalent functionality to the Pantheon'sbrowser-based Dashboard and easier scripting.

If you would like to contribute, pull requests are welcome!

The Manual

Our documentation is kept in the Terminus Manual, located here:



  • A command-line client
  • PHP version 5.6.40 or later recommended (5.5.38 minimum)

Once you have at least the requirements installed, you can install Terminus via Composer or Git. Additionally, you may want to install the optional software below to enhance your use of Terminus:


  • Drush (Useful to run incompatible-with-Terminus Drush commands)
  • WP-CLI (Useful to run incompatible-with-Terminus WP-CLI commands)

You can install Terminus just about anywhere on your system. In this README, we'll use /install/location to stand in for your chosen installation location.


There are several ways to install Terminus, depending on your use case:

  • For a composer-managed version of Terminus that is not part of your other composer-managed project(s) and doesn't utilize global composer installations, use the Terminus installer.
  • If you want to contribute to the Terminus project, download and install from the git repository.
  • To add Terminus as a dependency of your composer-based project, install with Composer.
  • For a self-contained Terminus executable, install terminus.phar.

Install Self-Contained Terminus

  1. Download the latest terminus.phar from the Releases page. In the example below, we're directing the file to $HOME/bin/ and renaming the file to terminus:

    This will grab the latest version of Terminus from the Releases page.

  2. Make the Terminus file exectable. The example below assumes the same installation path as above:


Note: Your installation directory must be in or added to your $PATH environment variable in order to call terminus from any working directory.

Installing via the Terminus installer

Run this in your Terminal client:

For more information on installation options or to report an issue with this method, please see the Terminus Installer file.

Note: Terminus installed this way cannot use terminus update to self-update versions.

Installing with Composer

Run this in your terminal client:

If you are having issues installing, please see to it that any old versions of Terminus are removed by using

before requiring it.

Do not install Terminus via composer global require. composer global require should not be used to install php applications. If you need to globally install something using composer, use the cgr utility as a replacement instead.

Note: Terminus installed this way cannot use terminus update to self-update versions.

Installing with Git

To install with Git and use Terminus HEAD, you should clone this repository and run Terminus directly. If you wouldlike to contribute to the Terminus source, this is the way you should install it. You will require Composer for this installation.

  • Clone the repository. If you plan on contributing to the project, create a fork and clone the fork instead:
  • Install the Composer dependencies:

You can now run the bleeding-edge version of Terminus via:

Note: Terminus installed this way cannot use terminus update to self-update versions.


Updating via the Terminus installer

Pantheon Terminus

Run this in your Terminal client:

For more information on update options or to report an issue with this method, please see the Terminus Installer file.

Updating with Composer

Run this in your terminal client:

Updating with Homebrew (for Macs)

Update Terminus with this command:

Updating with Git

To update with Git and use Terminus HEAD, you should update this repository and then update its dependencies via Composer.

  • Update the repository:
  • Update the Composer dependencies:

Optionally, for ease of development we suggest aliasing, setting the PATH in the bash configuration file, orsymlinking to it. This file is located at ~/.bashrc on Linux systems and at ~/.bash_profile on Mac.


Once you source the file or restart your terminal client, you can now make use of Terminus using

Exporting the Path

Once you source the file or restart your terminal client, you can now make use of Terminus using


Adding a symlink to /install/location/terminus/bin/terminus inside your bin directory will work.


To get started with Terminus, you must first authenticate:

If you are planning to run WP-CLI or Drush commands through Terminus, pleaseupload an SSH key for the user that will be executing Terminus.


Commands in Terminus follow a predictable pattern:

  • terminus is the name of the application.
  • command[:subcommand[:subcommand]] is the name of the command to run. Terminus commands may consist of only a command.
  • param are parameters, and are almost always required for operating the command.
  • option are options, and are never required to run a command. They may or may not require a value.
Pantheon terminus rsync

Runtime Configuration

Setting default user, site, environment, etc. and Dotenv

Terminus can use certain environment variables to set certain default values when invoking commands. Check theconfig/constants.yml file for the names of variables which can be set. Do not alter this file - add global settings toyour ~/.terminus/config.yml file or export them in your terminal client.

Terminus also has built-in support for PHP Dotenv, which provides an alternativeto manually exporting environment variables. This involves defining environment variables within a .env file thatTerminus will automatically use when invoked within that working directory.

Known Issues/Limitations

Pantheon Terminus Install

  • Terminus will not offer you options for selection when parameters are not provided. This will be added in the future.

Developing & Contributing

  1. See the CONTRIBUTING document.
  2. Create an issue on this repository to discuss the change you propose should be made.
  3. Fork this repository.
  4. Clone the forked repository.
  5. Run composer install at the repository root directory to install all necessary dependencies.
  6. Make changes to the code.
  7. Run the test suite. The tests must pass before any code will be accepted.
  8. Commit your changes and push them up to your fork.
  9. Open a pull request on this repository to merge your fork.

Your pull request will be reviewed by Pantheon and changes may be requested before the code is accepted.


Tests are run via the .scripts/ script. Components thereof can be run as follows:

  • composer cs runs the code sniffer to ensure all code is appropriately formatted.
  • composer phpunit runs the PHPUnit unit tests.
  • composer behat runs the Behat feature tests


Please make ready the steps to reproduce the issue, outputs, pertinent information about your system, and what youbelieve the correct reaction of the system ought to be. Reporting of issues encountered should happen in one of twoways:

Information that helps us help you

If we cannot duplicate an issue, we cannot resolve it. Giving us as much information about the problem you're havingas you can will help reduce the amount of time between an issue's being reported and being resolved. This is typicallythe most helpful information:

  • The result of running terminus self:info.
  • The output of the issue in debug mode. (Run the command with --vvv appended to it.)

If yours is a problem with Terminus itself:

  1. Search Terminus' issues on GitHub to see whether anotheruser has reported the same issue you are experiencing.
  2. If the problem you are experiencing is not in the issues, you can open a new issue. Please include the helpfulinformation you have gathered.
  3. If you find your problem in an issue, feel free to add your issue information in the comments and/or subscribe tothe issue's notifications.

If the problem is with the Pantheon platform

Head over to your support tickets in the Pantheon Dashboard andsubmit a new issue ticket. Please include the helpful information you have gathered.

Managing Third-Party Libraries

Dependencies are easily updated by Composer. To update this codebase:

  1. Check Gemnasium (see the button under the status heading above) to see if there are dependencies requiring an update.
  2. Check out a new branch off of an up-to-date copy of master.
  3. Run composer update at the repository root directory.
  4. Run the test suite. If there are errors, address them.
  5. Commit the changes, push the branch, and create a pull request for the update.


To deploy a new version of Terminus:

  1. Ensure that the version numbers atop and in config/constants.yml are updated to the new version.
  2. Create a release in GitHub.
  3. Copy all entries for the new version into the description of the release.
  4. Tag the new release with its version number.
  5. Release it. It will become automatically available to the public via Packagist and the Terminus Installer.


  • Run Terminus with the -vvv option to get debug output.
  • If you are getting PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' ..., install php-xml.
  • If you are getting cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: ..., download a cacert.pemfile and add curl.cainfo = '[path_to_file]cacert.pem' to your php.ini. If using XAMPP, you can add this to yourxamppphpextrasssl directory.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • The code must be PSR-2 formatted.
  • The files must be appropriately namespaced so they are automatically found.
  • All new lines must be unit tested with PHPUnit. Ideally, all lines should be reached at least once while running the unit testing suite.
  • Functions should be as simple as possible so as to not require a great number of tests per function.
  • All reasonable states of any given command should have a Behat feature test. If fixing for a scenario not previously imagined or once considered unreasonable also test it.
  • Add changes to and include the pull request number. (You will have to push a second time once you have one.)
  • All functions get comment markup consisting of at least all parameters, returned values, and exceptions thrown. An explanation should be included if it is not apparent.
  • Explain why you did what you did in the commit messages.
  • Pantheors: Add your Jira ticket number if it is available.

Terminus plugin for updating Composer dependencies


Installs: 1 138

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 13

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 2

Pantheon Terminus Composer



Doc Terminus

  • php: >=5.4
  • pantheon-systems/terminus-build-tools-plugin: 2.0.0-beta17



This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-04-21 14:59:23 UTC

A terminus plugin to create pull requests based on composer.lock updates.


Depends on Terminus Build Tools, and only works for a Build Tools managed site.


  • cd ~/.terminus/plugins
  • git clone
  • cd terminus-clu-plugin
  • composer install --no-dev


Pantheon Terminus Install

terminus project:clu

also available:

terminus project:pull-request:list

terminus project:pull-request:create

terminus project:pull-request:close <pr-id>