


If you are looking for an easy to use way to manage all your adverts from the dashboard you have come to the right place. AdRotate is easy to set up, easy to use and is built for your website.
AdRotate is designed to be simple to use, yet offers a professional set of features for newcomers and experienced users alike.

With AdRotate you can easily set up your own adverts and campaigns with standard HTML and/or Javascript code or use adverts from your favorite Ad Server such as, Blind Ferret, Yahoo! Adverts, DFP, Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Bing Ads, Amazon Affiliates, Chitika, Doubleclick, JuiceAds and many more similar ad servers and affiliate programs.

Some of the AdRotate Features

AdRotate is designed to be simple to use, yet offers a professional set of features for newcomers and experiences users alike. With AdRotate you can easily create your own adverts and campaigns with HTML and/or Javascript code or use adverts from your favorite Ad Server such as, Blind Ferret, Yahoo! Adrotate Plugin for Wordpress helps you to rotate different ads at the same place. This is an advance plugin for advertisement management of your blog. AdRotate Pro The popular choice for advertising in WordPress. The easiest and best way to monetise your WordPress website. Set up adverts of any kind, in almost every spot on your website.

  • Works with any advert
  • Place random, or selected, adverts anywhere on your site
  • Easily manage Adverts
  • Easily manage Groups
  • Easily manage Assets and media
  • Track clicks, impressions and calculate the Cick-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • Disguise adverts from ad blockers so they’re less likely to be blocked
  • Automagically disable Ads after they expire
  • Use shortcodes anywhere they are supported in WordPress
  • Place widgets for single adverts or groups
  • Insert PHP snippets in your theme files to put Adverts anywhere on your site
  • Dashboard and Email notifications when Adverts are about to expire or need attention
  • Easily set up groups of Adverts in a grid, column or row
  • Preview Adverts when editing
  • Advert statistics
  • Automatically delete short running adverts and stats after they expire
  • Advertisers can add/edit/manage their own Adverts
  • Geo Targeting for every country and city
  • Mobile Adverts
  • Portable Adverts
  • Export statistics to CSV files

AdRotate and AdRotate Professional share many features. But some features are exclusively available in AdRotate Professional. Learn more about AdRotate Professional on my website.



  • English (default)
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Italian
  • Other translations available are provided by the community


Installing AdRotate is as easy as searching for “AdRotate Arnan” or simply “AdRotate” in your plugin dashboard and clicking the “Install Now” button in your dashboards plugin page. Just like every other plugin.
Once activated, a new menu called “AdRotate” appears in the WordPress navigation from which you’ll handle everything in AdRotate.

For more detailed instructions check out the installation steps on the AdRotate website.


How do I use AdRotate?

Take a look at the user guides.
You can also post your questions on the forum.

I need help with this plugin


The best place to ask your question is on my support forum or you can send a message through Telegram.

Does AdRotate offer click tracking?

Yes, AdRotate counts clicks and impressions.

Can I use my adverts from Google AdSense?

Yes, usually you can use their code as-is.
Most adverts work without special tricks or tweaks.

Does AdRotate support HTML5 adverts?


This is cool, do you have more plugins?


Yep, check out my website AJdG Solutions

Why do some dashboard notifications look so ugly

If a dashboard notification misses its layout or looks out of shape try clearing your browser cache.
Some ad blockers block parts of the AdRotate dashboard, check out this page to make an exception for your website in adblockers – Whitelist your site.

Is AdRotate compatible with Yoast SEO or other SEO plugins?

Yes, Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO pack and all other SEO plugins work fine with AdRotate.

Is Jetpack compatible with AdRotate?


Does AdRotate work alongside caching plugins?

AdRotate works best with Borlabs Cache and W3 Total Cache.
Personally I prefer Borlabs Cache.
Other plugins such as WP Super Cache, WP Rocket or WP Fastest Cache may work, but are untested.

Does AdRotate work with WooCommerce?


Does AdRotate work with bbPress?



Aunque genera algunas configuraciones raras, luego de que le coges el ritmo te funcionará perfectamente


If you are looking for an easy to use way to manage all your adverts from the dashboard you have come to the right place. AdRotate is easy to set up, easy to use and is built for your website.
AdRotate is designed to be simple to use, yet offers a professional set of features for newcomers and experienced users alike.

With AdRotate you can easily set up your own adverts and campaigns with standard HTML and/or Javascript code or use adverts from your favorite Ad Server such as, Blind Ferret, Yahoo! Adverts, DFP, Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Bing Ads, Amazon Affiliates, Chitika, Doubleclick, JuiceAds and many more similar ad servers and affiliate programs.

Some of the AdRotate Features

  • Works with any advert
  • Place random, or selected, adverts anywhere on your site
  • Easily manage Adverts
  • Easily manage Groups
  • Easily manage Assets and media
  • Track clicks, impressions and calculate the Cick-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • Disguise adverts from ad blockers so they’re less likely to be blocked
  • Automagically disable Ads after they expire
  • Use shortcodes anywhere they are supported in WordPress
  • Place widgets for single adverts or groups
  • Insert PHP snippets in your theme files to put Adverts anywhere on your site
  • Dashboard and Email notifications when Adverts are about to expire or need attention
  • Easily set up groups of Adverts in a grid, column or row
  • Preview Adverts when editing
  • Advert statistics
  • Automatically delete short running adverts and stats after they expire
  • Advertisers can add/edit/manage their own Adverts
  • Geo Targeting for every country and city
  • Mobile Adverts
  • Portable Adverts
  • Export statistics to CSV files

AdRotate and AdRotate Professional share many features. But some features are exclusively available in AdRotate Professional. Learn more about AdRotate Professional on my website.


  • English (default)
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Italian
  • Other translations available are provided by the community


Installing AdRotate is as easy as searching for “AdRotate Arnan” or simply “AdRotate” in your plugin dashboard and clicking the “Install Now” button in your dashboards plugin page. Just like every other plugin.
Once activated, a new menu called “AdRotate” appears in the WordPress navigation from which you’ll handle everything in AdRotate. Kernel for lotus notes to outlook crack.

For more detailed instructions check out the installation steps on the AdRotate website.


How do I use AdRotate?

Take a look at the user guides.
You can also post your questions on the forum.

I need help with this plugin

The best place to ask your question is on my support forum or you can send a message through Telegram.

Does AdRotate offer click tracking?

Yes, AdRotate counts clicks and impressions.

Can I use my adverts from Google AdSense?

Yes, usually you can use their code as-is.
Most adverts work without special tricks or tweaks.

Does AdRotate support HTML5 adverts?


This is cool, do you have more plugins?

Yep, check out my website AJdG Solutions

Why do some dashboard notifications look so ugly

If a dashboard notification misses its layout or looks out of shape try clearing your browser cache.
Some ad blockers block parts of the AdRotate dashboard, check out this page to make an exception for your website in adblockers – Whitelist your site.

Is AdRotate compatible with Yoast SEO or other SEO plugins?

Yes, Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO pack and all other SEO plugins work fine with AdRotate.

Is Jetpack compatible with AdRotate?


Does AdRotate work alongside caching plugins?

AdRotate works best with Borlabs Cache and W3 Total Cache.
Personally I prefer Borlabs Cache.
Xsplit license crack. Other plugins such as WP Super Cache, WP Rocket or WP Fastest Cache may work, but are untested.

Does AdRotate work with WooCommerce?

Adrotate Pro


Does AdRotate work with bbPress?


Adrotate Pro Nulled



Aunque genera algunas configuraciones raras, luego de que le coges el ritmo te funcionará perfectamente